Monday 30 October 2017

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Police want to ban children playing football on the street ?!

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: October 30, 2017
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  • Police from the British Countess Glostschira urged citizens to report if they see children playing football on the street ....
    In the explanation of this bizarre decision, it is stated that "reporting of a ball kicking on a car helps prevent the behavior of children who are contrary to social conventions."
    Police letters were sent to locals, after they reportedly received reports of "anti-social behavior, such as playing football on the streets".
    It adds that such behavior of children "can damage cars, but also bring children to danger".
    "We will reinforce patrols that will give advice to children who they see playing in the street, which is at the center of police attention and will take further action," the police said.
    For the local media, Townman Richard Meyers said it was "absolutely funny" !.
    "Parents spend half their lives to encourage their children to go out and play, and when they succeed in appearing neighbors complaining. These children are not drug dealers, they are just children who like to play outside their home, safe distance, it's a sad reflection of modern times, "Mays said.


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