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In Sweden, houses are used by the "farm" server!

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: October 30, 2017
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  • Computer servers are extremely important devices for the Internet as well as for websites of various online portals, social networks, online media, banks, etc. Many people do not know that the "farms" of the server create huge amounts of heat during work ...
    Servers as well as computers do not heat up rapidly during 24 hours of operation, and a large amount of heat passes through it, and in order to cool down and function normally, a lot of fans are needed.
    Their cooling is done with the help of cold water and many fans blowing cold air into computers and warm air outside them. This heat of the server is usually discarded outside of the room, although it is a useful heat energy.
    Thus, Sweden's Stockholm Data Parks, in collaboration with city authorities and the city heating agency "Fortum Verme", began using this thermal "server engram".
    They do this in the following way: cold water through the pipe enters the server rooms where it is used to create cold air, which then blows on the servers to cool them. The water, which is heated during the cooling process of the server, is then returned to the "Fortum" plant, where it is further distributed to house heating.
    Sweden is not the only country that has taken advantage of this idea, but it is to a lesser extent already in Finland, France, the United States and Canada.
    But Sweden wants to extend the principle to the whole country. As of next year, Stockholm Data Parks will heat 2,500 homes, and the long-term goal in 2035 is to provide 10 percent of the city's heating.
    According to the project, 10 MW of energy is enough to heat 20,000 apartments, and for example, the standard server center of facebook uses about 120 MW!


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